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6th Grade Keyboarding Assignments

Websites we will use Type To Learn - (Account Code: 261TXF)

Proper Keyboarding Technique (youtube video)

Home Row Slide


Nitro Typing -

Use your Google Credentials



9/3 Section 1 (Days 1,3,5)

9/4 Section 2 (Days 2,4,6)


  1. Seating Charts

  2. Talk about Class

  3. Computer Room Safety

  4. Class Expectations

  5. Class Website

  6. SchoolTool Introduction

  7. Network Password Change (Two passwords - 1 for Google, that is your Chromebook and email. 1 for my computers

  8. Headphones

  9. Question game


9/5 Section 1 (Days 1,3,5)

9/6 Section 2 (Days 2,4,6)

  1. Class rules again

  2. Make sure that you are logged into Google with sync turned on!

  3. Create bookmarks/favorites for these sites

    1. Mr. Colby's World

    2. SchoolTool

    3. Type to Learn

  4. Password Template (Make a copy!)


9/9 Section 1 (Days 1,3,5)

9/10 Section 2 (Days 2,4,6)


  1. Hello Worksheet


9/11 Section 1 (Days 1,3,5)

9/12 Section 2 (Days 2,4,6)

What is SchoolTool?

  • Go to school website and click SchoolTool

  • Use Google to login into ST

  • What information can you find there?

  • Grades

  • Attendance

  • Locker combo

  • Emergency information

  • Schedule

  • Marking period grade vs. marking period average

  • Assignments by class

  • Checking it for a grade

  • other?


9/13 + 9/17 Section 1 (Days 1,3,5) (Ciara, Everett, Samantha, Abby, Scarlett, Solen, Sykes) computer issues.

9/16 Section 2 (Days 2,4,6)


  1. Introduction to Type to Learn Video

  2. Headphones ( How to control volume)

  3. Create bookmarks/favorites Type To Learn   (Account Code: 261TXF)

  4. Introduction to Type to Learn HANDOUT (pdf FILE)

  5. Usernames and Passwords. 

  6. Look at program

  7. "Speeding Tickets" - you will get the keyboard with no letters!

  8. Login and make sure you click SAVE PASSWORD in Google.

  9. Diagnostic Pre-test (takes less then 10 minutes)


Section 1 (Days 1,3,5)

Section 2 (Days 2,4,6)


  1. Home row keys

  2. Go over lesson 1

  3. Lesson 1 J, F, and Space Bar

  4. Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge


Section 1 (Days 1,3,5)

Section 2 (Days 2,4,6)


  1. Lesson 2 U R

  2. Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge

  3. Lesson 3 (K D Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge)



Section 2 (Days 2,4,6)


  1. Lesson 2 U R

  2. Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge

  3. Lesson 3 (K D Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge)


Section 1 (Days 1,3,5)



  1. Assessment #1

  2. Lesson 4 - I E Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge


Section 1 (Days 1,3,5)



  1. Lesson 5 (H G ​Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge)

  2. Assessment #2



Section 2 (Days 2,4,6)


  1. Assessment #1

  2. Lesson 4 - I E Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge


Section 2 (Days 2,4,6)


  1. Lesson 5 (H G ​Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge)

  2. Assessment #2

  3. (Only if we have class) Lesson 6 (S Right Shift Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge)


Section 1 (Days 1,3,5)



  1. Lesson 6 (S Right Shift Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge)


Section 1 (Days 1,3,5) 




  1. Lesson 7 Quick-Blends and Quick-Words Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge

  2. Lesson 8 O W Left Shift Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge



Section 2 (Days 2,4,6)


Lesson 6 (S Right Shift Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge)


Section 2 (Days 2,4,6)


  1. Lesson 7 Quick-Blends and Quick-Words Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge

  2. Lesson 8 O W Left Shift Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge


Section 1 (Days 1,3,5) 



  1. Lesson 9 ; A Enter/Return - Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge

  2. Assessment 3


Section 1 (Days 1,3,5) 


  1. Lesson 10 P Q Backspace/Delete -Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge


Section 2 (Days 2,4,6) 


  1. Lesson 9 ; A Enter/Return - Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge


Section 1 (Days 1,3,5) 

  1. Lesson 11 Quick-Blends and Quick-Words - Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge

  2. Lesson 12 Y T Tab, Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge


Section 2 (Days 2,4,6)



  1. Assessment 3

  2. Lesson 10 P Q Backspace/Delete -Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge



Section 2 (Days 2,4,6)


  1. Lesson 11 Quick-Blends and Quick-Words - Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge

  2. Lesson 12 Y T Tab, Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge


Section 1 (Days 1,3,5)

  1. Lesson 13 Arrow Keys Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge


Section 1 (Days 1,3,5)


  1. Lesson 14 B N Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge

  2. Lesson 15 Quick-Blends and Quick-Words, Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge


Section 2 (Days 2,4,6)


  1. Lesson 13 Arrow Keys Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge



Section 1 (Days 1,3,5) 



  1. Assessment 4



Section 2 (Days 2,4,6) 

  1. Lesson 14 B N Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge


Section 2 (Days 2,4,6) 


  1. Lesson 15 Quick-Blends and Quick-Words, Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge

  2. Assessment 4



Section 2 (Days 2,4,6) 

Lesson 16 Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge


Section 1 (Days 1,3,5) 

  1. Lesson 16 Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge



Section 1 (Days 1,3,5) 

  1. Lesson 17 Complete Big Idea, Dig this, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge


Section 2 (Days 2,4,6) 1/9 + 1/11


  1. Lesson 17 Complete Big Idea, Dig this, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge



Section 2 (Days 2,4,6) 1/16 + 1/18

  1. Lesson 18 Quick-Blends and Quick-Words Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge


Section 1 (Days 1,3,5) 1/17 + 1/19 (early release day)

  1. Lesson 18 . X Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge




Section 1 (Days 1,3,5) 1/23 + 1/25

  1. Lesson 19 . X Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge

Section 2 (Days 2,4,6) 1/24 + 1/29

  1. Lesson 19 . X Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge




Section 1 (Days 1,3,5) 1/30 + 2/1

Section 2 (Days 2,4,6) 1/31 + 2/2

  1. Lesson 20 / Z ? Complete  Big Idea, Dig This, Drone Control, Message Master, Final Challenge

  2. Assessment 5



Section 2 (Days 2,4,6)

  1. Lesson 21 - ctrl-C, ctrl-V, ctrl-S (cmd-C, cmd-V, cmd-S)

  2. Lesson 22  ctrl-X, ctrl-Z (cmd-X, cmd-Z)


Section 1 (Days 1,3,5)

  1. Lesson 21 - ctrl-C, ctrl-V, ctrl-S (cmd-C, cmd-V, cmd-S)




Section 1 (Days 1,3,5) 2/12 + 2/14 + 2/16

  1. Lesson 22  ctrl-X, ctrl-Z (cmd-X, cmd-Z)

  2. Lesson 23  : ‘ “

Section 2 (Days 2,4,6) 2/13 + 2/15

  1. Lesson 23  : ‘ “

  2. Lesson 24 6 7 ^ &



Section 2 (Days 2,4,6) 2/26, 2/28, 3/1

  1. Lesson 25 5 4 % $

  2. Lesson 26 8 3 * #

  3. Lesson 27 9 2 ( @

Section 1 (Days 1,3,5) 2/27, 2/29

  1. Lesson 24 6 7 ^ &

  2. Lesson 25 5 4 % $



Section 1 (Days 1,3,5) 

  1. Lesson 26 8 3 * #

  2. Lesson 27 9 2 ( @

  3. Lesson 28 0 1 ) !

  4. Lesson 29 Numeric Keypad 4 5 6 7 8 9 Enter

  5. Lesson 30 Numeric Keypad 1 2 3 0 . + - * /

Section 2 (Days 2,4,6) 

  1. Lesson 28 0 1 ) !

  2. Lesson 29 Numeric Keypad 4 5 6 7 8 9 Enter

  3. Lesson 30 Numeric Keypad 1 2 3 0 . + - * /





Nitro Typing -

Use your Google Credentials



  1. Alphabet Soup Assignment



  1. Business Letter Format - Celebrity Mail 



Writing Prompts

1.  Write about going back to school after summer vacation.

2.  Write a thank you note to a friend who gave you onion and garlic-flavored chewing gum.

3.  Draw an imaginary constellation.  Write a story such as ancient people might have told about it.

4.  Describe a real made-up dream or nightmare. journal writing prompts

5.  Write about your favorite childhood toy. journal writing prompts

6.  Write out the best or the worst day of your life.  

7.  Finish this thought: if I could change one thing about myself (if you can't think of anything, you might want to consider telling how you got to be perfect!)  

8.  If and when I raise children, I'll never...  

9.  I have never been more frightened than when...  

10.  Persuade a friend to give up drugs. 

11.  Five years from now, I will be... journal writing prompts

12.  Write about a day you'd like to forget.  

13.  Invent and describe a new food. journal writing prompts

14.  Describe an event that changed your life forever, or make up and describe an event that would change your life forever. 

15.  Describe someone who is a hero to you and explain why.

16.  Write about a time in your life when you struggled with a choice and made the right one.

17.  Imagine yourself in a different century and describe an average day in your life.


18.  Which character from a book would you most like to meet and why? journal writing prompts

19.  Three goals I have set for myself are... journal writing prompts

20.  What would you do if 300 mice had just gotten out of their cages in a pet shop where you worked?



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