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Marketing Syllabus



Instructor: Mr. Colby     Prerequisite: None     Length: 20 weeks     High School Credits: 1/2  College Credits: 3 Grade Level: 11th and 12th 

North Country Community College Name: BUS 212 EBV---Marketing---Jason Colby ---MTWRF---Full Year


This is a dual-enrollment NCCC Bridge course that 11th and 12th grade students may enroll in for 3 college credits! JUNIORS AND SENIORS may register for courses that satisfy their high school graduation requirements while earning college credit which can be transferred to many colleges. Generally, these courses satisfy SUNY General Education requirements. 

Marketing provides the bridge between business and consumers. One goal of the course is to open the student's eyes to the world of marketing that is all around and to become educated decision-makers. Students will study consumer behavior in order to understand and apply marketing, management, and entrepreneurial principles to make rational economic decisions and to exhibit social responsibility in a global economy.  Marketing is a process that involves a variety of activities focused on customers and the profitable execution of those activities, including but not limited to market segmentation, target marketing, market research, promotion, pricing, product/service management, distribution, and selling. Instructional activities include case studies, current event analysis, research and discussion, demonstrations, guided notes and guest speakers.Students will learn many facets of marketing within various business environments through discussion, paper and pencil assignments, as well as computer assignments. In addition to this; applied technology will be emphasized in the design of products to be marketed.

This course was also designed to introduce the student to basic woodworking concepts and product design. Students will be encouraged to become familiar with the basic drafting equipment, hand tools, woods, power equipment, basic wood joints and joinery processes. Wood, tool identification, adhesives, clamping techniques, and wood substitutes are explored. Students will have an opportunity to participate in quality control experiments as well as constructing a wood project. Note: All students must pass a general safety test with a 100% as well as a safety test for each power machine demonstrated by the instructor.  Through the kinds of experience and knowledge gained in this course, students will begin to develop an appreciation of good industrial design, craftsmanship, orderly procedures, safe work habits, pride in their individual work, integrity, proper work ethic, and have an understanding of how to use the tools, machines, woods, marketing techniques and devices properly and safely.

Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to the following:


• Marketing Basics
• Business Economic Environment
• Marketing Research
• Consumerism and Competition
• E-Commerce
• Marketing Strategy
• Product, Place, Price and Promotion (4Ps)
• Advertising
• International Markets
• Financing Market Strategies
• Entrepreneurship
• Careers in Marketing


Marketing introduces you to the essentials of marketing (key concepts, methods of analysis, strategies and tactics) critical to managing profitable customer relationships in today’s dynamic and connected environment.

Specifically, the course goals are:

  • To introduce you to marketing strategy and to the elements of marketing analysis:customer analysis, company analysis and competitor analysis.
  • To familiarize you with the elements of the marketing mix (product, pricing, promotion, and distribution strategies)

  • To enhance your problem solving and decision making abilities by learning how to leverage strategic marketing analysis to inform tactical marketing mix decisions while providing you with a comprehensive framework to evaluate marketing decisions and to create successful marketing initiatives.

  • To expand your knowledge of the marketing industry while increasing your awareness of the strategic and tactical decisions behind today’s top performing brands.

This course is also designed to introduce the student to basic woodworking concepts and product design. Students will be encouraged to become familiar with the basic drafting equipment, hand tools, woods, power equipment, basic wood joints and joinery processes. Wood, tool identification, adhesives, clamping techniques, and wood substitutes are explored. Students will have an opportunity to participate in quality control experiments as well as constructing a wood project. Note: All students must pass a general safety test with a 100% as well as a safety test for each power machine demonstrated by the instructor.  Through the kinds of experience and knowledge gained in this course, students will begin to develop an appreciation of good industrial design, craftsmanship, orderly procedures, safe work habits, pride in their individual work, integrity, proper work ethic, and have an understanding of how to use the tools, machines, woods, marketing techniques and devices properly and safely.


Marketing Essentials


  • Chapter 1 - Marketing is All Around Us
  • Chapter 2 - The Marketing Plan

  • Chapter 3 - Political and Economic Analysis

  • Chapter 4 - Global Analysis

  • Chapter 5 - The Free Enterprise System

  • Chapter 6 - Legal and Ethical Issues

  • Chapter 7 - Basic Math Skills

  • Chapter 8 - Communication Skills

  • Chapter 9 - Technology for Marketing

  • Chapter 10 - Interpersonal Skills

  • Chapter 11 - Management Skills

Wood Technology and Processes


  • Chapter 24 - Band Saw
  • Chapter 6 - Drilling and Boring & Chapter 27 Drill Press

  • Chapter 12 - Miter Joint & Chapter 25 Sliding Compound Miter Saw

  • Chapter 26 - Scroll Saw

  • Chapter 28 - Router

  • Chapter 29 - Sanders

  • Chapter 31-33 - Preparing for Finishing, Applying Stains and Clear Finishes, Applying Paints and Enamels


Under Construction


Students are evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Performance on class work assignments
  • Performance of quizzes and tests

  • Submission of current event essays

  • Class participation (defined as follows: class discussions, behavior, attendance, tardiness, and adherence to classroom rules)


  • Tests are administered to students at the end of every chapter covered and include material that has been taught during that period whether through reading, discussion, written work, and lab activities.
  • Quizzes will be given (announced and unannounced) periodically. This will cover homework readings and/or class discussions. Quizzes will be accumulated and averaged in a test grade per quarter.

  • Computer/woodworking hands-on tests and projects will be also given for demonstration of application proficiency. These tests have the same equivalent of written tests.


  • Reading: all reading assignments are to be completed BEFORE coming to class. Be prepared for discussion based on reading.
  • Lab Activities: lab assignments are to be completed IN CLASS. If extra time is needed, meet with the teacher to arrange a time.

  • Assignments are designed to demonstrate a reasonable level of competence. Students are expected to complete all assignments and submit ON TIME to receive full credit.


  • The student is expected to attend and participate in all class sessions. A great deal of information is covered during each class for which the student is responsible. It is the student's responsibility to obtain all material covered and complete all work assigned during an excused absence.

  • This is a college credit class and as such will be treated as one. Each late to class will deduct 10 points from your participation grade with no way of getting those points back.

  • Behavior - one warning. Each time after you will lose 25 points from you participation grade and a referral will follow. 


Final grade will be based on the following:

  • Class assignments: 40%

  • Class Projects: 30%

  • Participation: 5%

  • Final project: 15%

  • Current event essays: (10)@ 1 %



  • Any work submitted after the assigned due date will lose ten points per assignments per day late.
  • You have three days to make-up the work.

  • Any work not finished one week from date of absence will not be accepted.


  • A Pen/Pencil
  • Network Account

  • A folder/notebook

Syllabus Change

While every attempt has been made to prepare this syllabus and class schedule in final form, it will be Mr. Colby's prerogative to make any changes as may be deemed necessary in order to meet the learning outcomes of the course. Students will be notified in writing of any change.

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